I just don't understand. Why do pregnant women have to have insomnia? It completely goes against what we are supposed to be doing, which is resting, apparently. Here I am, at 1:30 AM, up and at 'em. Doing what? Organizing DVDs. Who does that?? A person with a bad case of nesting.
And it's hilarious, because OF COURSE my toddler did not nap today and OF COURSE I woke up at seven in the morning and OF COURSE I just happen to be eating the entire tube of Pringles at this same moment as well. I go through spurts of wanting to snack for hours. I will literally stand in my kitchen, stare at the food, pick something out, stand there and eat it, then repeat. And when I'm all done, I feel guilty. Just kidding, I feel no guilt. Just indigestion. Which, in my opinion, is worse.
Now, I need to vacuum the couch. But that will wake up the finally snoozing toddler. So, that will have to wait until the sun comes up and the hubs goes to work. Which, I also have to do tomorrow afternoon. So I probably should get some sleep. After I finish stacking these DVDs in ABC order...
What is it about pregnancy which makes us nest? I don't recall nesting when I was pregnant the first time. But I also was on bed rest, so maybe that makes a difference. It takes a lot to get myself to fall asleep without making some sort of list, mental or physical, for the next day. Or adding something to the whiteboard, or just simply pushing a chair back into place before I can breath a sigh of relief and resign myself to bed. It's like someone took my OCD and put it on absolute overdrive.
The hubs can't complain, why should he? I literally do everything. And not because I want to. I HAVE to. He can't fold laundry, he might do it wrong. He can't wash the dishes, he might do it wrong. He can't even clean up the living room without me rearranging something afterwards. So, I've told him to hold off while I am still up and running, and not bed ridden from either a C-section scar or a 4th degree episiotomy, and playing mommy the milk cow for another year.
For those of you who saw my adorable toddler in his apple costume, that did not come without a price. Yes, it was homemade BUT the stuffing from it is literally all over the apartment. I vacuumed up a ton this afternoon, and now it's once again found its way back to the carpet somehow.
Yes, he is so sweet, kissing that more than likely covered in pesticides pumpkin. Or, as he calls it, "mumkin". Seriously, where do these kids get this stuff? What is a mumkin? He probably thinks I look like a pumpkin, so he blended the words "mom" and "pumpkin" and is passive aggressively insulting me because he didn't get his tenth cookie after lunch that one day.
So, I am due in exactly one week and three days and have not much to show for it other than my extreme size increase in the waist and abdominal area. I still have to do a lot. A LOT! Like, my hospital bag is packed. I know women who have had their hospital bags packed since they got their BFP.
I guess I should go to sleep now, I mean, it is 1:46 now...
Maybe one more level of Candy Crush.